How to make your MBA Applicaion Great and Admissions Even Better?
When you take the first step with your MBA 'Application Process', this information will help you with the mechanics of the MBA Admission Process. If you are confused on how to put together a "great" application then here are a few tips.
1. Start by creating a timeline
What are the differing requirements of those schools?
What are the deadlines of your short-listed B-schools?
What are they looking for in terms of GMAT, English?
Spend at least 100 hours of study time for MBA preparations. How you fit this in, over what period will depend on your overall schedule.
Think about additional requirements such as submitting an essay.
2. Set the right tone for Communication: The way you communicate during the admission process for a leadership program or while applying for a full-time or one year MBA in India is often more important than what you communicate. Basically, you need to have a positive tone, not pompous. It is important that the words you use are conversational and not colloquial; thought-provoking but not trivial. While you pen down your achievements – be specific, concise. Try not to be vague and general especially for one year MBA program
3. Answer the Questions : Answering all the questions may seem like a no brainer, but it can be tricky. An MBA applicant's credibility quickly sinks when you’re not able to answer a particular question with ease. Explaining your past achievements, your efforts that have added credibility to your resume, or if you raised revenue in your previous job, mention by how much.
4. Have a Plan for your Career: Explain them your career plan, even if you haven’t decided firmly and finally on a single career. You probably have a fair idea about a couple of paths you may want to follow, put them forward. A sensible explanation of your future plans will bring out your approach and efforts –and distinguish you from other applicants who are clueless about their future.
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